Fitmama Strong Durham

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The Power of Friendship

Six years ago I met 3 extraordinary women. I was on the hunt for new friends and I feel so very blessed to have added them into my life. Had it not been for the birth of my oldest son, Ben, we likely would not have met.

I was the first of my friends from university to have a baby so while they were still at work and making strides in their lives with careers and marriage I was making strides in breastfeeding, diaper changes and finger-play songs. My girls and I still made our friendship a priority and our friendship remained very strong even when I was immersed in all things baby. But as good and wonderful as those friendships were (and are) I needed to make some new connections with women who were in the same place I was.

Cue Shawna, Janet and Mary. Shawna and I met while attending Babyville (a free program run by Durham Public Health) and Janet, Mary and I met at the Ontario Early Years Centre. I am not sure exactly how it happened, likely over a discussion related to feeding babies or surviving sleep deprivation but soon the 4 of us were meeting regularly at the Early Years Centre and walking to Tim Horton's post group where we continued chatting, laughing and enjoying each others’ company. These women have enriched my life and made my 1st maternity leave so enjoyable! We had fun every day and we continue to have fun now. Although the timing of our 2nd babies was not completely in synch, we still make the time to connect once a month for dinner and we are getting ready to head up North for our Second Annual Spa Retreat at Blue Mountain.

The friendships I developed with these women were the key to my sanity during my son's 1st year and they continue to be an anchor for me as I raise two boys.

Now my BFF's from university have also added children to their busy lives and their strength, support and emotional investment in our friendship continue to enrich my life.I am so very lucky to have such powerful, strong, smart and supportive friends in my life. Without them, being a mom would be even harder than it is.

So to all my girls who have my back, thank you! You mean the world to me.

I hope that you too are successful in finding some fabulous friends that can support you and cheer you on in your triumphs and trials of motherhood. Life's road bumps are always easier to manage when you've got a friend.