Fitmama Strong Durham

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Oasis Zoo Run- Week 4

Week 4- Easy week

How are you feeling? Hopefully, by now, if you have been getting out at least 3 times/week your legs will be feeling stronger and you will find that your runs are a little easier. By now you may be settling into your 'zone' and finding that your rythm and your pace are quite comfortable. We've come a long way since week 1 and you continue to build your strength and fitness level. Keep it up!

Session 1 (40 Min)

Warm Up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 3 min, walk 2 min. Repeat 6 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Session 2 (30 Min)

Warm Up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 2min, walk 2 min. Repeat 5 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Session 3 (40 min)
Warm Up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 2min, walk 3 min. Repeat 6 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Don't forget to stay hydrated before & after your runs, this is especially important during hot weather.  If you can, try to run first thing in the morning or later in the evening when the temperatures are cooler.  Have fun!