Fitmama Strong Durham

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Nutrition Tip: Eat a rainbow a day!

Again, thank you to Andrea Miller, Registered Dietitian for this weeks nutritional tip!

Eating well after having a baby is a challenge for many reasons: fatigue, time (or lack of!), a shortage of hands to prepare meals, did we say time!

Here’s a tip to help you get more of the fruit and vegetables that you need every day.

Eat a rainbow a day. Try to get something red, orange, yellow and green every day.

Red: slice tomatoes in your scrambled eggs; slice a red pepper, put it in a container in the fridge and grab a slice or two each time you open the fridge; buy a mini watermelon- cut it up before you put it away- share a few chunks with your older children at meal and snack time.

Orange: buy the easy-to-peel clementines; peel two or three at a time, leave them in a bowl on the counter for easy access; crunch on a baby carrot or two while preparing lunch and dinner.

Yellow: buy frozen mango- make a quick smoothie with mango and low fat yogurt or skim milk; keep bananas handy for trips in the car, a perfect snack after a work-out and to slice on top of cereal or toast and peanut butter.

Green: think leaves- keep pre-washed, pre-mixed salads on hand- add a few leaves to sandwiches and wraps; buy cut up raw broccoli (fresh or frozen)- add it to the pot when cooking rice or pasta- fewer dishes to wash and your veggies and grain can be enjoyed together!

Aim for two to three fruit and two to three veggies each day- store them pre-cut  in see through containers within easy reach in your fridge (not in the crisper drawers); choose fresh or frozen fruit or veggies; add fruit and veggies to salads, cereals, soups and stews. 

Have a colourful day!