Fitmama Strong Durham

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Happy Father's Day: A workout for the Dads!

You may well on your way to becoming a FITMOM, but let's not forget about the Dad's!

Since today is Father's Day, here's a workout made just for Him:

Warm Up:

Jumping Jacks -15
Calf Raises- 15
Basic Squat-15
Run on the spot- 30 sec

Repeat 3 times and do a full body stretch. Focus on chest, quads, hamstrings.

Move #1:
Military Push-ups
. Want more of a challenge? Try a decline push-up. Raise your legs higher (on a bench, stairs etc.) Complete 12-20.
Targets: Back, Chest, Tricep

Move #2:
Tuck Jumps
. To perform this exercise pull your knees up into your chest and lift yourself off the ground. Make sure you land lightly on your feet and keep the knees slightly bent upon landing to absorb shock. Repeat 12 times.
Targets: Abs& Core, Legs, Hip

Move #3
Pistol Squats
. To perform this exercise, begin seated on a sturdy bench or chair. Lift one leg off the floor. Lift your body off the chair/bench using the foot that is planted on the floor. Repeat 12 times and then switch legs. Targets: Butt, Quads, Calves, Abs.

Move #4
Tricep Dips
. Make it more of a challenge by raising your legs off the floor and place them on a bench or chair. Make sure you stabilize any chairs or benches! Do 12 dips

Move #5
Begin in a seated position, contract your abdominal muscles and core, and lift your legs up to a 45-degree angle. Reach your arms straight forward or reach up toward your shins as you are able. Maintain good core posture and a strong spine. Hold for 30 seconds up to 1 minute. Need a challenge? Make it harder by extending your legs straight.
Targets Core: Rectus, Internal Obliques, External Obliques.

Repeat each move 2-3 more times through.

Don't forget to cool down and stretch! Happy Father's Day from FITMOM Durham!